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Reasons for the Interior Opening of Partition Doors in Public Bathrooms
Published time:2023-6-16 14:28:00

During the installation of bathroom partitions, there are many areas that are very noteworthy. For example, the installation of toilet partition hinges, locks, and support legs. Every installation detail has a design principle. Why is the bathroom partition door open inside?


1. The Public toilet has a large flow of people and dense toilet space. Often, the space in public restrooms is limited, and the use of internal doors saves space.


2. The partition layout of the bathroom is relatively dense and there is a high flow of people. If an external door is used, if someone inside suddenly opens the door, it may collide with the outside person, causing unnecessary disputes or causing children and elderly people to fall, which is beneficial for the safety of users.


3. When the toilet user forgets to lock the door, if the toilet door is opened outside and someone outside unknowingly opens it, the toilet user will be very embarrassed. If the toilet door is open inside, people inside will block the toilet door, which can protect privacy.


Of course, this is generally the case. In some special cases, such as the doors of accessible restrooms, double folding doors should be used, which is beneficial for people with limited mobility to use conveniently.


When making bathroom partitions, many details are designed for certain reasons. If not under special conditions, we should try to follow conventional design requirements to avoid accidents.